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Here's to a Great 2020!

Happy New Year - it's never too late to join, donate or sponsor Bailey PTA!  This year our PTA funds are going towards purchasing three new water fountain/water bottle refilling stations.  Every year, we also support all of our clubs, teams, organizations, academic departments, faculty, staff and students with specific on-campus needs.  A vital PTA is part of maintaining the vibrant Bear Nation!  Let's keep the pride rolling into 2020 - we have a lot to celebrate!


To Join/Donate PTA: add link or direct them to the top of the page


To Become a Sponsor or Provide a Spirit Night/Business Discount: Please contact Katie Duffy PTA VP-Fundraising at

Thank you to our wonderful Diamond and Silver level sponsors!

Your PTA Dollars at Work!


Check out all of the great things we've been able to fund as a result of your generous membership commitments, raffle purchases, sponsorships, and more!


Help Support the Bailey PTA!


Simply click on the Amazon Smile button, and Amazon will give back to Bailey. It's that easy!

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