Help is needed to make this event a success. Please sign up here:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508094ca8a623aa8-6thgrade
Please make sure to arrange for late pick-up that Friday at 5PM when the students are dismissed from the event.
Note, Bailey Policy states that students may NOT attend Dances/Events if they... 1. Received a referral within the 2 weeks prior to the event 2. Are failing any classes 3. Are absent the day of the dance/event

September 22nd is our first Bailey PTA sponsored campus clean-up day for the 2018/2019 school year!
Let's spruce up the school before for our big community bonfire to show everyone how proud we are of Bailey! Volunteer hours will be given.
Please meet in front of the school Saturday, September 22nd at 9:00 am, and bring your gloves!

Volunteers are needed to help make this fun night a success. Please click here to help: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0b4fadac2aa3f94-bailey11