Thank you to Maurine Molack of David’s Legacy Foundation who visited with Bailey students on Friday. In January 2016, after being a target of extensive and inescapable online harassment, her 16 year-old son, David, took his own life. In honor of their son, the Texas Legislature passed DAVID'S LAW, a bill to prevent and combat bullying.
Bullying is everywhere. David’s story is not an isolated incident.
Bullying does not have to involve a pattern of repeated behavior. “A single, significant act” might be sufficient to meet the definition of bullying.
Reach out for help! No one can cope with something like this alone.
Before posting anything, think: “Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?”.
Be aware of your digital footprint. Employers, colleges, and the military may all look at what you’ve posted online and on social media.