See you on Thursday, November 1st!

The first Friday of each month is a dress-up spirit day. November’s theme is “camouflage”. Normal dress code rules apply.

What is Bear Day?
Bear Day is Bailey's annual school carnival that takes place during the school day. There are lots of fun activities like balloon sculpting, caricatures, graffiti wall, nail and face painting, disc golf throw, water balloon fights, a giant slide, basketball throw, and everyone’s favorite, voting to see which staff member will have to kiss a pig! Each booth is hosted by different school groups and departments such as the Band, the Art Department, and the Science Department.
How does it work?
Students will still attend all classes on this day. The School has a special, abbreviated bell schedule. Bear Day begins after the completion of 8th period at 1:30. Students are dismissed from school at 3:40.
Volunteers are needed
Events like this can't happen without a few parent volunteers. Visit the signup to VOLUNTEER to HELP with general needs. Additional request for volunteers and donations may be sent directly through specific organizations (Orchestra, Theatre Boosters, etc.). This is a fun event to volunteer for, and most parents enjoy being on campus to get a glimpse of Bear Day in action.
Tickets are sold for 50 cents each, and most games are between 50 cents - $2. There are two ways to purchase tickets- online or in person. All pre-purchased tickets will be distributed to students during their 8th period advisory class on Bear Day, so that tickets are not misplaced prior to the event.
In-Person Ticket Sales at School
Students can purchase tickets with cash or checks made payable to Bailey Middle School in the mornings before school on 11/13, 11/14, 11/15 and 11/16. Tickets will also be sold during Bear Day.
Online Ticket Sales Start 10/18
Parents can purchase tickets for their students online at “School Cash Online” starting NEXT Friday, November 2nd through November 14th, using a credit or debit card. Look for the link in next weeks email. It only takes a few minutes to register and set up an account for your child(ren). Once the account is set up, purchasing anything through the School Cash Online system is simple, and very similar to other online payment systems.
All proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to cover various costs of supplies and materials in support of a wide range of academic and social activities, field trips and related fees for all grade levels.
Note, Bear Day is NOT a PTA fundraiser. PTA supports the school by coordinating volunteers and assisting with snacks and drinks for students on this day.