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Help is needed to make this event a success.  Please sign up here:

Please make sure to arrange for late pick-up that Friday at 5PM when the students are dismissed from the event.

Note, Bailey Policy states that students may NOT attend Dances/Events if they...  1.  Received a referral within the 2 weeks prior to the event 2.  Are failing any classes 3.  Are absent the day of the dance/event

September 22nd is our first Bailey PTA sponsored campus clean-up day for the 2018/2019 school year!

Let's spruce up the school before for our big community bonfire to show everyone how proud we are of Bailey!  Volunteer hours will be given.

Please meet in front of the school Saturday, September 22nd at 9:00 am, and bring your gloves!  

Volunteers are needed to help make this fun night a success. Please click here to help:


To help welcome our 6th Graders to Bailey, we encourage them to join us at the 6th Grade Social on Friday, September 21st from 3:40 - 5:00 PM in the Bailey Cafe. Tickets are $5.  More info to come regarding ticket purchase times. If you would like to help donate time or goods, please sign-up. As always, we appreciate our Bear community.

Bailey's Homecoming Bonfire is scheduled for Friday, October 5th.  We would love to get some aerial footage of the Pep Rally and Bon Fire lighting.  Send us an email if this is something you might be able to help us with.  

Thank you to everyone who has donated Kleenex, paper towels, Lysol wipes and more to our Bailey teachers.   If your student refuses to take those supplies to their teacher, they can always drop them off at the front office.   Please make sure to properly label who the items are for.   General donations are always welcome and will be distributed to teachers and staff members in need, such as the counseling office, Officer's Mac's office and the ISS classroom.  


BDR sales begin on Wednesday, August 22nd. What's a BDR?  TheBailey Daily Runner is a student planner/agenda all students are required to purchase and use at Bailey to stay organized. Sales will take place before school, until 8:25AM, this Wednesday 8/22 through Friday 8/24. The price is $5 and exact change is always appreciated.  Checks can be made payable to "Bailey Middle School".  

A few parent helpers are needed to assist with morning sales. CLICK HERE to sign up to help.  

Parent & StudentTEAMS Mobile App Grade and attendance reports for parents and students

Free download available from google play store and apple app store.


Parents and students are able to access their grades, attendance, and other critical educational information. Login can be saved for easy access, and parents can quickly switch between their students.

  • Parents can view multiple children's attendance, report cards, and progress reports from one page

  • Students can view their own attendance, report cards, and progress reports

Sale of PE uniforms starts this Tuesday, 8/21.  Students can bring $17 cash or check payable to Bailey M.S. to their PE class to purchase.  

No need to bring your PE uniform to school this first week. Students won't start dressing out for PE until Monday, August 27th.  

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